Class Of 68

All School Reunion Is August 2nd !!

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Our 45th Class Reunion Is August 3rd !!!

July 08, 2013

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Of The Class Of 68.

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Remembering the teachers we knew at Glidden.
To contribute your memories or comments.
They will be posted ASAP.

*=D> applauseA Salute To Mrs. Robb!!
I'd like to add a personal comment about Mrs. Ruth Robb.  She was my favorite teacher during high school.  Because of her, I've become a fairly avid reader.  I'm always reading a book or two.  I remember her reading Edgar Allen Poe in class, how she included her acting ability through her words, and, the various skits would we do, to make the stories come alive.  Thanks, Mrs. Robb.  JGTracy
COMMENT: I totally agree with Jim, even though I may have been her least productive student.  What she gave me was a love and interest in short stories. Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen Crane, Thomas Hart, O Henry, Mark Twain etc. Jim was referring to her reading of the poem, "The Bells:, it was a classic. Spending all those years teaching high school kids US History, thanks to Mrs. Robb, I discovered that history is just a series of stores. The Alamo, the story of Jazz music, the Depression Era, D-Day, Rock & Roll, the election of any year, Gettysburg, etc.....It all ends up being a story.D.Tryon

“Our Miss Fairchild” has surfaced!
Remember Miss Fairchild, one of our second-grade teachers in 1956-57?  We sent her an invitation to our Aug. 3 Class of ‘68 Reunion and she has responded with a letter to Lora (Bushman) Janssen. Her first name is Lee and she is married to a gentleman named Chuck Knute. They live at Boone, Iowa.  Her letter included reaction to Lora’s reminiscenses about Miss Fairchild, as recently posted on www.wildcats68.com.  She also sent Lora snapshots of each of us who was in her class that year, with identifying name handwritten on the back. These are not “school pictures,” but rather shots she took with her own camera. Miss Fairchild also included a summary of her teaching career which we hope to post here soon, along with all her photos. 

She said our class at Glidden was her first teaching job after graduating from college. Among stories she recalled was the day Dick Tryon put a wasp nest in her desk drawer! She also reported that Warren Riedesel told her back then he wanted eventually to go to Iowa State University and wondered if that ever happened. She said she’d like to attend our reunion but her decision will be last-minute because her husband is experiencing some health issues and uncertainties. Of course, we all hope to see Miss Fairchild in Carroll on Aug. 3.   W.Riedesel

Does Anyone Remember Miss Fairchild, Our Second Grade Teacher? 
I remember her as being very kind and making each student feel so special.  At the end of every afternoon she would stand by the classroom door and give each student a hug!!  

At the end of that year, when we got our final report card, I immediately checked on the back to make sure it was signed (as we all did) , so that I knew I had passed to the next grade.  Well, guess what, mine wasn't signed!! I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but I can only imagine what went through my mind.  Miss Fairchild went on to marry Chuck Knute, who happened to be a brother to my husband, Stan's, aunt.  Mrs. Knute  and I have laughed about this story in the past few years and she still remembers it well.  My report card was just accidentally missed while she was filling them out.  I did pass to the next grade!!! Miss Fairchild was one of my favorite teachers. L.Bushman Jannsen

Mr. Milton Berg.......
Mr. Berg was our Junior High Social Studies teacher and coach. I don't think he ever liked me much. (Really?) He coached football, track and maybe Junior High basketball, but I am not so sure of that. He was a pretty good guy and a square shooter. He was a big time smoker as almost all of the adults were in those days. He was a good friend of Mr. McCrea (sp?). I think they ran around a lot together.

Mr. Berg really chewed me out one day.......I was looking for Mr. Miller (PE) and I dared to enter the sacred ground of the men's teacher's lounge. Well, it really was not a lounge, it was the BOILER ROOM. Deep in the bowels of the school building. As dark and dirty as a coal mine. You had to walk thru the boy's restroom and go down some stairs that I think were used in the movie "Young Frankenstein". I did not get very far, when I heard a "Where do you think you are going?" Although, I remember that as being the "clean, non-profanity laced" version. NOBODY went down there, unless you were a male smoker on break. It was poorly lit, extremely hazy and wreaked of cigarette smoke, as thick as a forest fire. You think there was any ventilation down there? Where did women smokers go? Anyway, I got about half way down the staircase before I was chased back up with MB yelling at me all the way. Never did find Mr. Miller......

My first teaching job, at Jefferson, there was a boiler room for teacher's who smoked. I think I went down there once, but I never was much of a lounge lizard........d.tryon













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